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题目:The Interplay between Phase Separation and Enhancer Assembly in Disease Progression








Jason Liu, UT Health San Antonio, hislaboratory currently studies the gene regulation mechanisms that are driven by enhancers. Our studies aim to reveal the mechanisms of the dynamic enhancer landscapes and assemblies regulated by signals and disease progression. Our results start to decode the mechanisms of the component/architectural dynamics of enhancers and their high-order interactions with transcription factors and other epigenetic coactivators (collectively termed “enhanceosome”)in different biological contexts. Our recent research has also been expanded to understand the roles of phase separation and multivalent interactions in enhancer assembly. Furthermore, we hope to identify the key enhancer reprogramming drivers that drive the different diseases and the findings will enhance our understanding of disease mechanisms and identify potential therapeutic targets.

Selected Recent Publications:

Chen L, et al., Liu Z. (2023) Hormone-induced enhancer assembly requires an optimal level of hormone receptor multivalent interactions. Molecular Cell, (in press)

Bi M, et al., Liu Z*. (2020) Enhancer Reprogramming Driven by High-order Assemblies of Transcription Factors Promotes Phenotypic Plasticity and Breast Cancer Endocrine Resistance. Nature Cell Biology, 22(6):701-715

Zhu C, et al., Liu Z. (2019) A non-canonical role of YAP/TEAD is required for activation of estrogen-regulated enhancers in breast cancer. Molecular Cell, 75(4):791-806